martes, 22 de abril de 2008


Talk to me, just a simple phrase but some times is so hard to follow it, just maybe because you don't have anything to say. But I think that most of the times that you don't want to talk is because you need or have to say so much that you don't have the freaking idea of how you can say it without hurting so much (or causing the less damages possible) because at the end most of the fears that you had of the things that could happen, well they happen; but I have learned that sometimes things have to be said to grow up and with time it could make you able to say I TOLD YOU ( Is no good to kick someone that is already down)

lunes, 21 de abril de 2008


Bueno, realmente me gustaria empezar un blog por que es un espacio donde puedes expresar lo que sientes y piensas; también otras personas pueden opinar, o decirte que es lo que piensan, por que piensan similar a ti o por que difieren con tu forma de pensar. En fin solo un pequeño espacio para expresarse......